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12370 Potranco Rd suite 207 #1083 San Antonio, Tx 78253

Uphill Credit Solutions


Our personal credit program Enrollment fee is $200 and $100 every Month

The best way to improve your credit score is to pay all of your bills on time and keep your credit card balances paid down, as close to a zero balance as possible. The 5 main contributors to your overall credit score are: New Credit, Credit Mix, Credit History, Length of Credit History, and Amount of Debt. Think of credit as a recipe, having the perfect amount of each ingredient creates the best dish. This same methodology can be applied to your credit.

You have access to an online portal that gives you updates like dispute details, access to your invoices, credit info, resources, and credit updates.

Our program is designed to take no longer than 6 months to complete. While the majority of our clients finish at this time, sometimes variables outside of our control can affect your timeline (although rare). Most companies take years to accomplish what we can in just a few short months.

The majority of our clients see an improvement on their credit profiles in as little as 40 days. No ethical company can 100% guarantee your success, but in the vast majority of examples, we have been able to help our clients significantly improve their credit scores

Once you complete the sign-up process, we will begin working on your credit report to remove any inaccurate information. Our program also provides you with the Educational information you need to keep working on raising your credit score.

A Credit Score is a rating number that is provided based on how you manage your credit. This score tells creditors how creditworthy you are. The higher your score, the more trustworthy you are. Your credit score will range from 300 to 850 and the higher the number, the better. The three main reporting agencies – Equifax, Experian, and Transunion – all provide different scores based off their reports. The credit score model used most widely by lenders to determine your creditworthiness is called “the FICO score”.

Credit is something that is established when you make purchases and agree to pay back the amount you borrowed, usually with interest. Your credit is reported to the main three Credit Reporting Agencies (Equifax, Experian, and Equifax), and as you begin to establish credit in the very beginning, you are given a Credit Score. Continuing to build and establish credit will allow you to increase your credit score, which, in turn, will allow you to be approved for making future purchases such as a home or car. The ultimate, long-term goal while building credit is to pay your financial obligations on time.

We can challenge as many as you want at a single time, the choice is yours.

The first step is to request your free credit report. In your free credit report, you and one of our highly trained credit analysts will review your credit profile in-depth and develop a clear and concise road map to better credit scores. Afterwards, you can decide if our services are a good fit for you. You are under no obligation to enroll in our services.

We guarantee that if Uphill Credit Solutions fails to obtain a removal of any erroneous item within the first 90 days we will refund every penny that you paid us. You must have our recommended credit monitoring service active and allow us access until the issuance of any refund for our guarantee to be effective.

Within 5 days we will begin writing letters on your behalf over the concerns that you raised in the Post signup consultation.

Upon request, we will send you copies of the letters sent on your behalf to the creditors or credit bureaus.  (Request Copies)

Your job during the credit repair process is to:

Maintain your credit monitoring at  for each participant.

Pay all bills on time, every time.

Pay down all open credit card balances to below 10% of their credit limit.